Silver Tag auctions is a neat online auction site that is kind of different than anything you have seen. Some people think Silver Tag scam but it is not! Instead of winning with the highest bid, you win by having the lowest unique bid. This means that you have to have the lowest bid that no one else has bid to be the winner.
For example an iPod that costs $199.00 is going to be won by the person who makes the lowest unduplicated bid. There are probably going to be many bids of one cent, two cents, ten cents and so on so you have to be lucky and guess the lowest bid you think no one may have picked (unduplicated bid). If you make a bid that someone else has already bid the system will tell you and you must bid again. You have a set number of bids a day that you can use and when you use them all up you have to wait till the next day.
Some of the VIP auctions you can bid on at Silver Tag online auctions are things like trips to Las Vegas, backstage with Bon Jovi and Gretchen Wilson, and other packages like that. The regular online auctions are mostly the cool elctronics gadgets we all want like iPhones, Nintendo Wii's, iPods, and digital camcorders. Sign-up is free to the SilverTag online auction site and it is positively ADDICTING!